
The New England Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers exists to “provide, by means of annual conferences and otherwise, for the spread of information on problems of common interest to its members.”1 It is a professional organization open to registrars and admissions officers in any accredited college, university, or other post-secondary institution in New England.

The association aims to foster the professional development of registrars and admissions officers, advocate ethical and professional practices for its members, and to support the mutual exchange of interests among its members.

The Executive Committee and Council of NEACRAO urge you to share in the rewards of membership*:

    • A commitment to professionalism – NEACRAO has sponsored and continues to sponsor professional workshops of current interest to registrars and admissions officers.
    • A commitment to diversity – NEACRAO has long been dedicated to fostering an environment of inclusion and equity in all it’s activities.
    • An annual meeting for registrars and admissions officers – NEACRAO sponsors a three-day meeting during the first full week in November. The meeting includes professional presentations, outstanding guest speakers, panels on current topics and the opportunity to meet and exchange information with colleagues.
    • The Association’s publications – A newsletter is published throughout the year and offers timely news of the association and its members.
    • NEACRAO web site – The organization maintains this website in order to conveniently and effeciently communicate information, news, and items of interest to NEACRAO members and those interested in NEACRAO or its activities.
    • Professional committees – NEACRAO members serve on a variety of committees, including the standing committees on admissions management, enrollment management, recruitment and marketing, transfer articulation, registrar/records, institutional research, management information systems, and professional development and ethical practices. There are also ad hoc committees which are convened to address current concerns or projects.

*Membership year runs from July 1 through June 30