Call for Session Proposals
We are currently seeking session proposals for each of our membership tracks; Admissions & Enrollment Management; Professional Development; and Registrar & Records.
Admissions & Enrollment Management
- Best Retention Strategies
- Navigating a shrinking high school population to recruit from
- How to evaluate first applicants in a post-Covid world? Test optional, disruptions in HS curriculum, etc
- How to effectively create Articulation Agreements / MOUs with community college partners
- Best practices in international admissions – credentials, evaluation agencies, standardized tests
- The evolution of campus visitation opportunities
- Catering to transfer populations- what does being a transfer friendly institution mean
- NEBHE- opportunities and challenges
- Symbiotic relationships across campus – who are admission champions
- Graduate Admission trends and forecasting
- Re-engaging Re-admits and Re-enrolls- how to service these important populations
Professional Development
- Panel on project management skills & experience managing large/multiple projects
- Research Presentations by NEACRAO Members who have recently completed dissertation or thesis work relevant to Registrars and Admissions Officers
- Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace (recruitment, promotion, training, developing DEI plans, etc)
- Building Relationships and Bridges Across Registrars and Admissions
- In-person, remote, hybrid? How to manage expectations, resentment, and conflict when there are different levels of need within an office.
- Networking, Career Development, and Relationship Building in a Virtual World
- Managing up in the wake of the Great Resign: How to express your needs to leadership
Registrar & Records
- Operational Improvements
- Registrar 101 – Nuts & Bolts of the Registrar’s Office
- NCAA Certification Process
- Authenticity of Documents
- FERPA Training
- Career Trajectory in the Registrar’s Office
- Policing of Academic Records
- Registrar Roundtable
- Enrollment Services Umbrella
- Interoffice Collaboration
- Where Does the “One Stop” Fit in the Current Higher Education Module
Share what you know with your peers, submit a session proposal today!