Annual Conference - Session Five DescriptionsFriday, November 8 | 9:00am - 10:00am5A: Registrar Roundtable This is an open forum for discussion of issues or current topics concerning the policies and practices in a registrar or records office. Topics will depend upon the interests of attendees, but may include compliance with regulations, best practices, helpful hints or tips, distribution of responsibilities, etc. Bring your questions or concerns and share your experience, or simply absorb the conversation. Facilitator: Tara Arneson, Registrar, Champlain College 5B: Admissions & High School Counselor Roundtable Join your colleagues to network and explore admissions from a holistic enrollment management perspective. Identify opportunities for collaboration across departments and divisions, share current challenges and brainstorm potential solutions. As recruitment and retention has become part of everyone’s job, please join us even if you are not currently in an Admissions role. We look forward to a lively discussion! Facilitator: Trisha Amaral, Deputy Registrar, UMass Amherst |