Annual Conference - Session Six Descriptions

Friday, November 8 | 10:00am - 11:00am

6A: Moving Up and Lifting Up
Location: Stannard

When is it time to pursue the next step in one’s career? How does one decide when to take a leap to the next role and who is there to help you? These are big questions that we have all weighed and decided to stay or go. As important as making the choice, is knowing who will lift you up and perhaps what to ask of those individuals. As we are lifted in our careers, who are you bringing along as well? Who are you coaching? There is always someone who can benefit. This presentation and discussion will tackle what goes into moving up to the next role, when to move on from an institution, asking for guidance and support, and assisting others in achieving their dreams.

Presenter: Karen H. Schedin, Ed.D, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Beloit College and NEACRAO Past-President (2015)

6B: Herding Cats: Best Practices in Developing Registrar Communications
Location: Westbrook C

How can Registrars create effective communication plans that bring attention to announcements, deadlines, new processes, or change management initiatives?

Erika McDonald, Registrar of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Harvard University
Sarah Miles, University Registrar, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

6C: How a Modern Degree Audit Can Be Your Most Strategic Lever
Location: Executive

We know how you feel. There are many things to address on campus, whether it’s data trapped behind siloes, uncertainties about campus-wide systems, friction in the transfer process, or driving better student outcomes and engagement. Where do you begin, and how?

This session will cover how a modern degree audit is at the core of addressing all of these problems at the same time. Learn how institutions like Quinnipiac University and the University of Nebraska System are turning Stellic’s degree management platform into the most strategic lever on campus — transforming access to student records, improving the degree planning experience, introducing extreme efficiency, and more.

Presenter: Brett Connor, Regional Director, University Partnerships, Stellic